Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija (UNDP) u Bosni i Hercegovini pokrenuo je Akademiju klimatskih akcija, tematsku edukaciju za izabrane zvaničnike i zvaničnice parlamenata, skupština, općinskih vijeća u Bosni i Hercegovini, s ciljem da im se omogući bolji uvid u klimatske teme, posebno o konkretnim mjerama i politikama za ublažavanje i prilagođavanje klimatskim promjenama. Akademija će polaznicima predstaviti i primjere dobre prakse ostvarene kroz projekte koje implementira UNDP u BiH uz podršku različitih međunarodnih i domaćih partnera u zemlji.
Prvi od tri modula Akademije održan je od 15. do 17. septembra 2023. godine u Sarajevu. Akademiju su otvorili Raduška Cupać, rukovoditeljica Sektora za energetiku i okoliš u UNDP-u i Saša Magazinović, poslanik u Predstavničkom domu Parlamentarne skupštine BiH i predsjedavajući Zelenog kluba koga čine poslanici/zastupnici iz parlamenata na svim nivoima vlasti u BiH. U svojim uvodnim obraćanjima, istakli su važnost saradnje i zajedničkog djelovanja na zelenim politikama na svim nivoima vlasti u zemlji, kako bi se što bolje pripremili i odgovorili na izazove klimatskih promjena.
Tema prvog modula Akademije bila je biodiverzitet i zaštićena područja. Učesnici su imali priliku saznati više o adekvatnim mjerama potrebnim za rješavanje uticaja klimatskih promjena na biodiverzitet i zaštićena područja u zemlji, kroz predavanja stručnjaka iz ove oblasti, među kojima i prof. dr.sc. Dragojla Goluba sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Banjoj Luci, Mehmeda Cere, pomoćnika ministra u Sektoru za okoliš Federalnog ministarstva okoliša i turizma, kao i gostujuće predavačice, dr. Golda Edwin, vanredne profesorice na Odsjeku za okoliš na Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology (MVIT) u Puducherryju, Indija i izvršne direktorice Udruženja za promicanje održivosti u kampusima i zajednicama (Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses & Communities – APSCC), koja je također predstavila primjere dobre prakse u svijetu.
U okviru ovog modula organizovana je posjeta i obilazak Zaštićenog pejzaža „Bijambare“, gdje su učesnike ugostili predstavnici Kantonalne javne uprave za zaštićena područja kao i Adla Kahrić, stručnjakinja za ovu oblast na projektu „Održivost zaštićenih područja u BiH“(SPA) koji implementira UNDP, a finansira Globalni fond za okoliš (GEF). Senka Mutabdžija Bećirović, voditeljica SPA projekta u UNDP-u, predstavila je aktivnosti i napore ovog projekta koji će u naredne tri godine raditi na smanjenju uticaja novonastalih klimatskih prijetnji na biološke raznolikosti u BiH, osiguravanjem mogućnosti za održivo upravljanje i finansiranje zaštićenih područja, uključujući kroz razvoj održivog turizma.
Učesnici su istakli značaj Akademije klimatskih akcija, koja im pruža mogućnost da u svojim predstavničkim i parlamentarnim aktivnostima snažnije djeluju u ovoj oblasti, kako bi se spriječila ranjivost prirodnih i društvenih procesa na klimatske promjene.
Kroz naredna dva modula koja će se održati u Trebinju i Tuzli, fokus će biti na temama energetske efikasnosti, obnovljivih izvora energije, energetske tranzicije i zaštite životne sredine.
Akademija se realizuje u okviru UNDP-ovog projekta „Inicijativa za izgradnju kapaciteta za transparentnost“ (CBIT), koji finansira GEF, a za organizaciju Akademije je zadužena nevladina organizacija iz Sarajeva, Mreža progresivnih inicijativa (MPI).
On September 12 and 13, the Institute for Democracy hosted the regional event “Enhancing Berlin Process through Parliamentary Diplomacy” in which Members of Parliaments (MPs) and parliamentary staff from the Parliaments of the Western Balkans (WB), the German Bundestag and the European Parliament participated.
The purpose of the event is to bring the Berlin Process closer to the MPs and parliamentary staff and to initiate an interparliamentary and expert debate on the role of the parliaments of WB within the Berlin Process.
The event on the first day was opened by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, the President of the Institute for Democracy, Marko Troshanovski, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Petra Drexler, and then the President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, Michael Roth, delivered his key remarks. Troshanovski explained that the Berlin process includes cooperation between the Balkan countries that brings them closer to each other while also bringing them closer to the EU.
“Free roaming in the Balkans, recognition of diplomas or professional qualifications or traveling only with an ID card are benefits encouraged by the Berlin process, which are also benefits of EU membership. The process has many policies in addition to these (in the area of innovation, green agenda, digital transformation of our societies, etc.) and has financial resources. Governments undertake commitments whose implementation requires dedication and efficiency. With this project, we want to involve the parliaments to give their contribution to speeding up these commitments”, says Troshanovski.
We are aware that geographically, strategically and with the majority will of the citizens, as a region we are predisposed to become members of the European Union, as soon as we fulfill the necessary conditions for membership, says Xhaferi.
“We are also aware that along the way, all of us individually and collectively face many challenges of a different nature. Experientially, from the previous enlargements, we must accept that we have to deal with and find acceptable solutions to all the issues that are treated as open and present an obstacle on the way. By putting the most painful and complex issues on the agenda, Germany has shown a clear proactive role in helping and supporting the region and an unequivocal message that our societies need final reconciliation and real projects in the areas detected by the European Commission,” said Xhaferi.
According to Roth, Russia’s war in Ukraine has made it clear that stabilization of candidate countries is in everyone’s interest. He added that in order to achieve that, the accession process must be reformed so that the citizens of the candidate countries have benefits even before the accession itself.
“I assure you that sometimes as parliamentarians you have more influence than if you were part of the government. I want to emphasize that your future is also our common future. The accession of North Macedonia will be of symbolic importance for the entire region because it is a multi-ethnic example for the entire Western Balkans. A large part of the citizens of the region see their future in the EU regardless of all the disappointment they had with the EU, but I am not sure that they are patient to wait another 20 years. Citizens need immediate tangibility of the benefits of joining the EU, and in order to achieve this, a reform of the accession process is needed,” he added.
At the panel discussion dedicated to the role of parliaments in the Berlin process, the chairman of the Commission for European Affairs in the Macedonian Assembly, Arber Ademi, the chairman of the Commission for European Affairs in the Albanian Parliament, Jorida Tabaku, MP Robert Kozma, member of the Commission for European Affairs in the Serbian Parliament, MP Semsudin Mehmedović, member of the Committee for Transport and Communications in the Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Arbreše Kryeziu-Hyseni, the chairwoman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs in the Assembly of Kosovo and Zdenka Popović, member of the Committee for Economy, Finance and Budget of the Montenegrin Assembly.
The adviser for political processes related to the Berlin process in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Marija Fileva, gave a short presentation on the achievements of the Republic of Macedonia in the Berlin process.
At the last panel of the first day “Lessons learned from the adoption of mobility agreements”, the keynote address was given by Manuel Sarrazin, Special Representative of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Western Balkans, and the panelists were Amer Kapetanović, Head of Political Department of the Regional Cooperation Council, Vancho Uzunov, Berlin Process Sherpa from Macedonia and Jeton Zulfaj, Berlin Process Sherpa from from Kosovo and Lulzum Rafuna, President of the WB6 CIF Management Board.
The second day of the event started with an address by Viola Von Cramon from the European Parliament who addressed via video message and David Oberhuber, the director of GIZ North Macedonia.
The first session “Knowledge transfer and consultation on Berlin process” was addressed by Amer Kapetanović, Head of Political Department of the Regional Cooperation Council and Milica Cvorović, an expert in coordination and communication at the CEFTA Secretariat. At the second session “Knowledge transfer and consultation on Common Regional Market and Green Agenda”, Maja Handjinska Trendafilova, Director of ReSPA (Regional School of Public Administration) and Jasmina Petkovska, member of the regional working group for the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans at Regional Cooperation Council.
This event is part of the “Parliamentary Diplomacy: Regional Cooperation through Enhanced Parliamentary Dialogue” project, which aims to promote the laws and benefits of the Berlin Process through the promotion of parliamentary diplomacy and the use of oversight mechanisms by the parliaments of the Western Balkans.
The project is implemented by six project partners in each of the six Western Balkans countries. The lead partner is the Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) – North Macedonia. The other project partners are Institute Alternativa (IA) – Montenegro, Institute for Political Studies (ISP) – Albania, CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability – Serbia, Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI)– Kosovo, and the Network of Progressive Initiatives (NPI) – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This project will contribute to the overall efforts to preserve democratic principles of check and balances as well as to promote and advance democracy in the region through enhanced regional cooperation. It further contributes to the principles of the Belin Process, which has been working to strengthen and accelerate regional integration since 2014, as well as hasten the region’s overall alignment with the EU principles. In this framework, the project focuses on Berlin Process area such as infrastructure development, and connectivity, regional exchange at parliamentary level and the green agenda. However, it is through multi-level commitment that BP commitments can be taken further, and local ownership can be created. Thus, this project is expected to strengthen the involvement of the parliaments in pushing forward the regional agenda.
The inclusion of parliament in the BP commitments will be of added value for the Berlin process, and it will also strengthen parliament’s role in the EU integration process in each of the Western Balkan countries. By developing the capacity of parliamentarians and staff to conduct the oversight function of parliaments, the project will strengthen the system of checks and balances between the legislature and executive thus prompting greater coordination between the two branches regarding important national decisions and laws in the process of EU legislative harmonization. Therefore, the overall aim of the project is to enhance multi-level regional cooperation to consolidate and maintain the dynamics of the EU integration process.
The project is going to be implemented by six project partners in each of the six Western Balkans countries. The lead partner is the Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) – North Macedonia. The other project partners are Institute Alternativa (IA) – Montenegro, Institute for Political Studies (ISP) – Albania, CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability – Serbia, Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI)– Kosovo, and the Network of Progressive Initiatives (NPI) – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Planned activities:
Partners meeting in Skopje
Stakeholder mapping of relevant (national and international) actors in the Berlin Process
Needs assessment of the Members of Parliaments and parliamentary staff
Interparliamentary topical meetings in: 1) Albania on Berlin Process, 2) Montenegro on Common Regional Market, and 3) Bosnia and Herzegovina on Green Agenda
Three national level events with MPs, staff and relevant stakeholders
Regional workshop to develop parliamentary oversight mechanisms of Berlin Process
Semi-annual monitoring reports on BP commitments and parliamentary engagement
Oversight activities conducted by MPs, with the support of partner think tanks
– Unapređenje razumevanja i saradnje na Zapadnom Balkanu
– Jačanje aktivne podrške građana za reforme i integraciju u Evropsku uniju
Fondacija Centar za demokratiju u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama civilnog društva iz regiona Zapadnog Balkana započela je realizaciju projekta Regionalni dijalog mladih za Evropu (Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe).
Mladi iz regiona Zapadnog Balkana smatraju da nisu dovoljno vidljivi, niti uključeni u procese koji se tiču njihove budućnosti. Neophodno je unaprediti participaciju mladih u građanskom i demokratskom društvu, njihovo povezivanje i saradnju u regionu i osnažiti dijalog mladih sa donosiocima odluka. Projekat se realizuje u kontekstu implementacije EU Strategije za mlade, pratećeg Akcionog plana i Ekonomskog-investicionog plana za Zapadni Balkan koji je uspostavio program Garancija za mlade.
U projekat ugrađujemo iskustvo u promociji evropskih i demokratskih vrednosti i ljudskih prava, Ciljeva održivog razvoja Agende 2030, posebno vodeći računa o unapređenju položaja mladih i pripadnika osetljivih grupa, kao i iskustvo podsticanja javnog dijaloga, kreiranja i praćenja javnih politika i uključivanja građana u procese donošenja odluka.
Kroz podršku organizacijama civilnog društva i, naročito, omladinskim organizacijama osnažićemo njihove aktiviste i građane širom regiona:
da se aktivno zalažu za usvajanje evropskih vrednosti i jačanje demokratskih odgovornih institucija
da učestvuju u javnom dijalogu o reformama
da šire znanje o ekonomskom i socijalnom napretku koji donosi usvajanje evropskih standarda u javnim politikama
da rade zajedno na osmišljavanju i realizaciji projekata od zajedničkog interesa
da kroz dijalog i saradnju prevazilaze nasleđe prošlosti u regionu i daju podršku dobrosusedskim odnosima i pomirenju
Glavne aktivnosti
Znanje i razmena:
Istraživanje o omladinskim politikama na Zapadnom Balkanu
Politeia Regionalna škola za participaciju mladih
Volonterska praksa
Javni dijalog o javnim politikama – lokalno, nacionalno, regionalno:
Politeia tematske regionalne sesije o javnim politikama
Debate o politikama za mlade
Monitoring javnih politika za mlade
Regionalna konferencija
Finansiranje projekata organizacija civilnog društva:
Fond za mlade
Fond za uspešne inicijative
Dinamična komunikacija sa građanima:
Informativni i kreativni sadržaji u medijima i društvenim mrežama
Interaktivni online omladinski forum
Radimo u: Beogradu, Tirani, Sarajevu, Prištini, Skopju, Novom Sadu i mnogim drugim gradovima
Program će uključiti:
150 omladinskih organizacija i 1.500 omladinskih aktivista obuhvaćeno istraživanjem
50 učesnika/ca Regionalne škole Politeia
6 Politeia tematskih sesija
1.000 mladih na interaktivnom omladinskom forumu
10 mladih aktivista na volonterskoj praksi (stažiranje)
30 finansiranih projekata kroz Fond za mlade
6 ekspertskih analiza i predloga omladinskih politika
30 javnih debata o politikama za mlade
200 učesnika/ca uživo i 300 online na dvodnevnoj regionalnoj konferenciji
Koordinator projekta:
Fondacija Centar za demokratiju, Beograd
Akademija za evropske integracije i pregovore iz Tirane (AIEN)
Kosovska inicijativa za stabilnost iz Prištine (IKS)
Mreža progresivnih inicijativa iz Sarajeva (NPI)
NVO Info Centar iz Skoplja (NGO IC)
Regionalna akademija za demokratski razvoj iz Novog Sada (ADD)
U Bosni i Hercegovini, kleveta i uvreda su sve do 1999. godine potpadale pod Krivični zakon. Tačnije, u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije, posebno je član 133. Krivičnog zakona, nazivan “verbalni delikt” korišten za obračunavanje sa neistomišljenicima, i brojni su primjeri kada su građani osuđeni na zatvorske kazne zbog navodnog kršenja odredbi ovog člana. Kada su početkom XXI vijeka kleveta i uvreda dekriminalizovana, zakoni o zaštiti od klevete su ocijenjeni kao dobro skrojeni i u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima slobode izražavanja, pa je prema indeksu medijskih sloboda BiH zauzimala veoma visoko mjesto, što je doprinosilo demokratizaciji društva.
Formulacije korištene u Nacrtu Krivičnog zakonika RS široko postavljaju definicije krivičnog djela. Imajući u vidu da se kriminalizuje govor, tekst ostavlja značajan prostor za različita tumačenja različitih odredaba, koje mogu dovesti do neujednačene primjene zakona i narušiti pravnu sigurnost. Također, imajući u vidu kombinaciju širokih formulacija i visokih kazni, ove formulacije imaju potencijalno vrlo značajan chilling effect. Iako je pitanje legitimnog cilja u pravilu formalnost u praksi ECtHR-a, način na koji je Nacrt pozicioniran u javnom diskursu ostavlja sumnju u intencije zakonodavca. Osnovi za isključenje protivpravnosti preuzeti iz KZ SFRJ ne doprinose uklanjanju potencijala za neujednačenu primjenu, odnosno ne pružaju zaštitu od manjka pravne sigurnosti i chilling effecta. Krivična odgovornost za klevetu i uvrede u RS bi predstavljalo dodatni instrument za vođenje strateških postupaka protiv javnog sudjelovanja (SLAPP), a što bi rezultiralo sa autocenzurom među novinarima, aktivistima, akademskim radnicima i građanima.
U konačnici, to bi dovelo do osiromašenja javne rasprave o temama koje su od javnog interesa, te spriječilo novinare i aktiviste da vrše svoju funkciju čuvara javnog interesa (public watchdog). Kriminalizacija klevete i uvrede u RS bi bila protivna standardima koje su razvili EU, CoE, OSCE i UNESCO. Zakonodavac ne može izignorisati postojanje konsenzusa na nivou ovih organizacija o nužnosti dekriminalizacije klevete, a posebno ne može zanemariti stav Evropske komisije o dekriminalizaciji. To posebno, ako imamo u vidu obavezu harmonizacije prava BiH sa pravom EU i međunarodnu obavezu entiteta da pomognu BiH prilikom izvršenja njenih obaveza u procesu EU integracija.
Cilj ove intervencije jeste pojasniti pravne posljedice klevete u domaćem pravu, objašnjavajući položaj u kojem će biti mediji i svi drugi članovi društva koji mogu biti procesuirani u slučaju da dođe do kriminalizacije klevete. Dodatno je cilj da se ukaže na pravne posljedice izmještanja postupka za razmatranje klevete iz parničnog postupka u krivični postupak i ukazati na poteškoće koje će osumnjičeni/optuženi imati.
The Center for Democracy Foundation, in cooperation with partner civil society organizations from the Western Balkans, held the first in vivo project management team meeting on the next steps in the implementation of the project “Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE”from May 24-26, 2023 in Niš.
After the two previous online PMT meetings, meeting in Niš was a good opportunity for joint discussion the key tasks and work methodology to be implemented within the three-year regional project, as well as preparatory activities in order to organize the traditional “POLITEIA Regional School for Youth Participation” that will take place from July 6-12, 2023 in Niš.
The representatives of all partner CSOs took participation in the PMT meeting. Ms. Hillen Francke, Head of Sector Western Balkans Regional Programmes (Civil Society, Social Inclusion and Human Capital Development) at the European Commission’s DG NEAR, Ms. Irena Radinović from the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and Mr. Ognjen Marković from the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) addressed the PMT members via Zoom.
“Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe” is a three-year regional project (2023-2026) aimed to: Increased participation of youths in decision-making, improved understanding and cooperation in the Western Balkans and strengthening active citizens` support for EU integration.
By supporting CSOs and, in particular, youth organisations, we will empower the citizens in the Western Balkans: to actively advocate for the adoption of EU values and the empowerment of responsible democratic institutions, to take part in public dialogue on reforms and development perspectives, to spread knowledge pertaining to the economic and social progress brought about by the adoption of EU standards, to work together on the advancement and implementation of common cause projects, to overcome issues resulting from the region’s turbulent past through dialogue and cooperation and to support neighbourly relations and reconciliation.
The Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project is implementing by the Center for Democracy Foundation (CDF), Belgrade (as project coordinator) and partner organizations: Academy of European Integration and Negotiations from Tirana (AIEN); Kosovo Stability Initiative from Pristina (IKS); Association Network of Progressive Initiatives from Sarajevo (NPI); NGO Info Center from Skopje (NGO IC); Regional Academy for Democratic Development from Novi Sad (ADD); Youth Act Center from Tirana (YA). The project is funded by the European Union.
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