The Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 Action Plan and the Green Agenda for the Western
Balkans Action Plan (2021-2030) received endorsement from the leaders of the Western Balkans Six —
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo 1 , Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia — during the
Berlin Process Summit held in Sofia on November 10, 2020.

The CRM Action Plan is made up of targeted actions in four key areas: 
 Regional trade area: free movement of goods, services, capital and people, including crosscutting
measures, such as the Green Lanes, to align with EU-compliant rules and standards and provide
opportunities for companies and citizens; 
 Regional investment area, to align investment policies with the EU standards and best
international practices and promote the region to foreign investors; 
 Regional digital area, to integrate the Western Balkans into the pan-European digital market; and 
 Regional industrial and innovation area, to transform the industrial sectors, shape value chains
they belong to, and prepare them for the realities of today and challenges of tomorrow.

The GAWB Action Plan focuses on five key areas:
 Decarbonization: climate, energy, mobility
 Circular economy
 Depollution: air, water & soil
 Sustainable food systems & rural areas
 Biodiversity: protection & restoration of ecosystems

The second monitoring report focuses on the progress made in the implementation of two critical areas: the
Regional Digital Area from the Common Regional Market Action Plan and the Decarbonization area from
the Green Agenda Action Plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina up to May 2024.

The desk research takes into account the information from the official institutional websites and
correspondence with the representatives of the relevant institutions from the state and entity levels.

The report in English is available here

About project: This project will contribute to the overall efforts to preserve democratic principles of check and balances as well as to promote and advance democracy in the region through enhanced regional cooperation. It further contributes to the principles of the Belin Process, which has been working to strengthen and accelerate regional integration since 2014, as well as hasten the region’s overall alignment with the EU principles. In this framework, the project focuses on Berlin Process area such as infrastructure development, and connectivity, regional exchange at parliamentary level and the green agenda. However, it is through multi-level commitment that BP commitments can be taken further, and local ownership can be created. Thus, this project is expected to strengthen the involvement of the parliaments in pushing forward the regional agenda.

The inclusion of parliament in the BP commitments will be of added value for the Berlin process, and it will also strengthen parliament’s role in the EU integration process in each of the Western Balkan countries. By developing the capacity of parliamentarians and staff to conduct the oversight function of parliaments, the project will strengthen the system of checks and balances between the legislature and executive thus prompting greater coordination between the two branches regarding important national decisions and laws in the process of EU legislative harmonization. Therefore, the overall aim of the project is to enhance multi-level regional cooperation to consolidate and maintain the dynamics of the EU integration process.


The project is going to be implemented by six project partners in each of the six Western Balkans countries. The lead partner is the Institute for Democracy (IDSCS) – North Macedonia. The other project partners are Institute Alternativa (IA) – Montenegro, Institute for Political Studies (ISP) – Albania, CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability – Serbia, Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI)– Kosovo, and the Network of Progressive Initiatives (NPI) – Bosnia and Herzegovina.