Mladi Zapadnog Balkana u procesu kreiranja javnih politika: Istraživanje o stavovima organizacija civilnog društva i mladih
SAŽETAK IZVJEŠTAJA Istraživanje o politikama za mlade i procesima kreiranja politika na Zapadnom Balkanu sprovedeno je u okviru regionalnog projekta - Regionalni dijalog mladih za Evropu – RYDE, koji finansira Evropska unija. Projekat je sprovela Fondacija Centar za...
OP-ED: Where the EU has benefits, the Western Balkans has potential
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe project by Ognjen Markovic, Team Leader of the RCC’s Western Balkans Youth Lab project I was 13 years old when the first person from my close-knit circle of family announced she was leaving Montenegro. Back then I was not yet aware...
Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes
January 2024 This research on the youth policies and policy-making processes in the Western Balkans has been conducted as part of the regional project entitled Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE. The project is financed by the European Union. The goal of...
Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project (RYDE) Presentation of the Research on the Attitudes of civil society organisations and young people 31 January 2024, via Zoom, 13-15h The Research includes the views of CSOs and young individuals - political activists,...
EU dijalog sa mladima i jačanje učešća mladih u procesu donošenja odluka u Srbiji
Projekat: Regionalni dijalog mladih za Evropu EU dijalog sa mladima (The EU Youth Dialogue - EUYD), prethodno Strukturirani dijalog, predstavlja mehanizam usvojen na nivou Evropske unije, čija je svrha rešavanje potreba mladih i problema sa kojima se oni susreću. Kroz...
Is there any progress in Western Balkan economies in implementing the Youth Guarantee programme?
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project Over the last few years, the youth unemployment rate has continuously decreased in all WB economies. However, it varies from economy to economy and remains higher compared to EU member states. The highest youth unemployment...
Postoji li napredak zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u implementaciji programa Garancija za mlade?
Projekat: Regionalni dijalog mladih za Evropu Autor: Nemanja Ivanović Poslednjih nekoliko godina smanjuje se stopa nezaposlenoosti mladih u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, ali varira od zemlje do zemlje i još uvek je veća u odnosu na zemlje članice Evropske unije....
Youth has spoken. Did adults fail to listen, again? Case of WB Green Agenda
Tackling climate requires ambition and inclusivity. Climate crisis in no exception. Some progress is made on ambition. Constant failure is noted on inclusivity. WB Green Agenda is no exception. Introduction The Green Agenda for the...
Izvještaj za Bosnu i Hercegovinu: PARLAMENTARNA DIPLOMATIJA: Regionalna saradnja kroz unaprijeđeni parlamentarni dijalog
Akcioni plan za Zajedničko regionalno tržište (CRM) 2021-2024 i Akcioni plan za provedbu Sofijske delkaracije o Zelenoj agendi za Zapadni Balkan (GAWB) za period 2021-2030 dobili su podršku lidera šest zemalja Zapadnog Balkana — Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine,...
Youth, mobility and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans
During the last decade the European integration process of the Western Balkans has proceeded rather slowly, leading to disappointment and disillusion among the local population. The governments’ delivering on reform agendas has been characterized of hiccup progress...
Održan sastanak na temu “Berlinski proces – novi Plan rasta”
U sklopu projekta "Parlamentarna diplomatija – Regionalna saradnja kroz unapređenje parlamentarnog dijaloga", Mreža progresivnih inicijativa je 19. decembra 2023. godine u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Bosne i Hercegovine organizovala okrugli sto na temu "Berlinski proces...
Civic and Political Engagement of Youth in the Western Balkans
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project The realisation of the rights of young people to actively participate in the decision-making process is an integral part of every developed democratic society and is guaranteed by the European Charter on the Participation of...
Građanska i politička participacija mladih na Zapadnom Balkanu
Projekat: Regionalni dijalog mladih za Evropu Autorica: Andrea Trajković Ostvarenje prava mladih da aktivno participiraju u procesu donošenja odluka je sastavni dio svakog razvijenog demokratskog društva i garantovano je Evropskom poveljom o učešću mladih na...
Western Balkans Youth in the European Commission’s Progress Report 2023 for WB6
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project Good things come to those who wait – on 8th November 2023, the European Commission published the annual progress reports for the Western Balkan economies for 2023 - the new enlargement package and the Progress Report on...
Mladi regiona u izvještajima Evropske komisije o napretku za 2023. godinu
Projekat: Regionalni dijalog mladih za Evropu Autorica: Jelena Dadić Čekali i dočekali – Evropska komisija je 8. novembra objavila godišnji izvještaj o napretku regiona za 2023. godinu, odnosno, novi paket proširenja i Izvještaj o evrointegraciji za sve zemlje...
28. Konferencija država članica Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija o klimatskim promjenama, COP 28
Danas se završava 28. Konferencija država članica Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija o klimatskim promjenama, COP 28. Klimatska kriza je pitanje ljudskih prava na više nivoa, i to je ključni fokus na COP28. Jedan od ciljeva ovog najvećeg svjetskog događaja posvećenog...
Politeia Thematic Session “Green Agenda and Policy Making in the Western Balkans”
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe project The Politeia thematic session - Green Agenda and Public Policy-making in the Western Balkans was held in Belgrade (27-29 November 2023) within the project Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe, funded by...
Thematic session “Youth and employment policies in the Western Balkans”
Twelve young people from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and North Macedonia participate in the thematic session “Youth and employment policies in the Western Balkans”, as part of the “Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE” project. The...
Održan treći i završni modul Akademije klimatskih akcija
U periodu od 03. do 05.11. 2023. godine, u Tuzli (hotel Salis) je održan treći modul Akademije klimatskih akcija na temu “Zaštita okoliša i EKO Pravda”. Na trećem modulu Akademije je učestvovalo 18 donosilaca odluka, koji su izabrani...
Parliamentary conference “The role of the Parliaments in the Berlin Process” in Tirana, Albania
On October 13, Institute for Political Studies in collaboration with the parliament of Albania, the Committee on European Affairs and the Institute for Democracy in collaboration organized the parliamentary conference "The Role of the Parliaments in the Berlin...