
Održana međuparlamentarnoj konferenciji pod nazivom „Prednosti Berlinskog procesa: poseban fokus na zajedničkom regionalnom tržištu”, u Petrovcu (Crna Gora) u sklopu regionalnog projekta "Parliamentary Diplomacy: Regional Cooperation through Enhanced Parliamentary...

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Akademija klimatskih akcija 2024

Akademija klimatskih akcija 2024

UNDP u Bosni i Hercegovini uspješno je pokrenuo Akademiju klimatskih akcija 2024., inicijativu koja već drugu godinu zaredom pruža izabranim zvaničnicima iz parlamenta, skupština i vijeća  priliku da steknu stručno znanje o ključnim klimatskim temama. Cilj...

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Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes

Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes

January 2024 This research on the youth policies and policy-making processes in the Western Balkans has been conducted as part of the regional project entitled Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE. The project is financed by the European Union. The goal of...

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Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes

Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes

Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project (RYDE) Presentation of the Research on the Attitudes of civil society organisations and young people 31 January 2024, via Zoom, 13-15h The Research includes the views of CSOs and young individuals - political activists,...

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